to sources in Tumblr (blame Mel for that, ‘cause it was she who gave me the
information), our dears Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz confirmed that WOULDN’T
happen the shipper Swan Hook. For the uninformed, this is the name of those
ones how wants Emma (Jennifer Morrison) having an affair with Killian Jones /
Captain Hook (Colin O'Donoghue). Those persons can lower the wings who swore
that Emma would have a crush on Enchanted Forest’s Jack Sparrow (Me included).
Bad luck also for those who wanted Miss Swan with the world's cutest liar, August Wayne Booth / Pinocchio (Eion Bailey). Different from all of you who want to use the little liar as chair or even as firewood, particularly after the sixth episode, I finally started to like him. And the Swan Booth’s fans are desperate 'cause Emma won’t forgive him after discovering nor after a couple of seasons! Too much! Perhaps in a season. But seriously, I hope they wouldn't feuding for a long time 'cause I love these cute little brothers! This is how Adam and Eddy described Emma and August relationship!
About Mad Swan, I have to say, because I'm more than sure that will NOT happen in the series. Yeah, they REALLY will put Jennifer and Sebastian Stan kissing on TV when they can do it at the girl's house. Even after this tweet from Jared S. Gilmore (Henry) where he confirms that he’s Mad Swan. I bet Jared just said that ‘cause he is a child and children, smarter or not, tend to speak more truth than adults, so Jared sees Mad Swan in the backstage and see how his "mother" is happy, but I doubt they will put on the show! (Even my heart wanting otherwise)
About Swan Queen... I’ll not even talk ‘cause
talk about it either defending or criticizing is want to start World War III.
Although I like the plays of Lana Parrilla (Regina) in the interviews with
Jennifer. About Emma and Niall (Michael Raymond-James) I'm going to remain
silent because will happen World War IV, ‘cause my position in relation to them
is ... I can talk about Mickey, fellows?
Anyway, just to finalize and review this
meaningless tweet from Jared! HELLO DUDE! EMMA ALSO DOESN’T LIKE JEFFERSON! Or did
you forget that she and your "grandmother" gave him a beating and
threw the window below?! Anyway, Jared reads the scripts before us, so he knows
first what a hell is coming in Storybrooke. And you, even with these
disappointments of shippers, still have hope or a new shipper has already
formed in your head to replace those that have been "destroyed"?
By @Rumplefacts (Which is still awaiting a busted of Jen
and Stan kissing)
Only can't be Mad Swan because Sebastian is in Political Animals.... but i love Mad Swan.